National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Logo

Erasmus Perry Chapter, NSDAR

Silver Spring, Maryland

Chapter Meeting & Event Highlights

USO Potluck,
June 2024

In June our chapter was hosted by the USO at Walter Reed for our end of the year pot luck meeting. Great food, a lovely venue, and wonderful conversation. 

Field Trip to Clara Barton House,
May 2024

In May members and their spouses enjoyed a Spring outing to the Clara Barton House in Glen Echo, MD. After a guided tour through the house by local Park Rangers, members went to a local restaurant for a nice meal and a some lively conversation.

New Member Swearing-in Ceremony,
April 2024

We inducted a new member at our April Meeting. 

New Member Swearing-in Ceremony, January 2024

We inducted a new member at our January Meeting. 

CAR Speaker, January 2024

The President of the Maryland State Children of the American Revolution (CAR) came to speak with us about what the CAR is doing. It was a lovely, music-filled, presentation as their current message is Play it Loud. He was a great trumpet player. 

New Member Swearing-in Ceremony, December 2023

We inducted a new member at our Holiday Potuluck. 

Erasmus Perry Holiday Potluck, December 2023

One of our amazing members opened their home for our annual holiday potluck. Everyone brought their favorite holiday treats. There was socializing, raffles, and all-around holiday fun.

MSDAR Holiday Party, December 2023

Four of our members attended the state holiday party. It was a wonderful event with silent auctions, bid a basket, and yummy holiday food. 

MSDAR National Defense Luncheon,
November 2023

The members of Erasmus Perry joined other members of the Maryland State DAR to listen to a speaker from the Space Force and have a lovely lunch. 

Donation of Red Poppies to the Armed Forces Retirement Home, November 2023

This year on Veterans Day residents of the Armed Forces Retirement Home in Washington D.C. will be wearing red poppies provided by the Erasmus Perry Chapter. Assembling and delivering the poppies was an independent project of our regent. 

USO Speaker at Meeting, November 2023

We had the leader of the USO at Walter Reed come to talk to us about her organization. 

New Member Swearing-in Ceremony,
September 2023

Overseas Military Baby Blanket Project, 2023

Erasmus Perry Chapter is reaching across the ocean to connect with the Palatinate Chapter in Germany. The chapter’s “Overseas Military Baby Blanket Project” provides quilts to service members welcoming a family member born at military installations. Erasmus Perry’s first group of quilts went to Landstuhl, and the second group went to Guam. The project serves to show appreciation to service members and their families far from home. 

Indian School Quilt Project, Summer 2023

In response to a request from the NSDAR Chair of the American Indian Committee, Erasmus Perry chose to participate in a project to provide a quilt for the Chemewa Indian School in Oregon. The school provides boarding to students in grades 9-12. This project offered the opportunity for members to get involved at various levels: members met to cut fabric, some met to have a “sewing bee” to assemble the blocks, and others helped to contribute to the cost of fabric and quilting. Initially the group was committed to one quilt but once the group got involved, the chapter was able to complete 2 quilts in time to send off to the school for the new school year. 

Pot Luck Meeting, June 2023

As our last meeting of the year, we hosted a pot luck at a member's home. It was a lot of fun and the food was delicious. 

Show and Tell Meeting, May 2023

At our May meeting, we had a good lunch and friendly service but the showstoppers were the rare and interesting antiques and collectibles brought for Show and Tell.

Group of Members at the Field Trip to Woodlawn Museum

Field Trip to Woodlawn Museum, October 2022

In October the Erasmus Perry Chapter enjoyed a Fall outing to the Woodlawn Museum in Sandy Spring, Maryland.  A guided hike on the Underground Railroad Experience Trail was followed by a tour of the Museum.  The outing culminated with lunch at a nearby restaurant.

Member discussing project patriot

Project Patriot, September 2022

In our September meeting we collected for AMVETS / Project Patriot and presented the Conservation Week program. 


Regent's Summer Message, 2021

Last year marked the 90th Anniversary of the founding of our chapter. Although the celebration was subdued, it was still an important milestone in our history. We worked hard to keep in touch and meet when could, socially but not emotionally distant. We accomplished so much. We made and donated more than 2,000 masks; we raised money and created moon bags for the Kwek Society; we met Reisha Raney, heard her DAR story and Daughter Dialogues; learned  about DAR schools; and although there may have been a few hiccups we pursued. It is a testament to the dedication of our members that we are still going strong in 2021.

The Summer 2021 edition of "Shared History," the Erasmus Perry Newsletter, is here! Thanks to the editor and the contributors!

February 2021 Meeting - Reisha Raney

In February we were treated to a virtual presentation by DAR member Reisha Raney, who served at the time as Organizing Secretary of the Maryland State Society DAR.  She is Maryland's first African American DAR state officer and a direct descendant of Thomas Jefferson's grandfather.  Reisha spoke of her lineage to William Turpin, a patriot who fought against the British in the Revolutionary War.  Turpin's mother was Mary Jefferson, aunt of the nation's third president, Thomas Jefferson. William Turpin's son Edwin married a woman of color, Mary.  Reisha also spoke about the historical work she is doing uncovering the stories of women of color in the DAR.  She has created a podcast, Daughter Dialogues, which "explores the lives of women of color in the DAR."  The podcast can be accessed through

November 2020 Meeting - By-laws by the Fireplace

Due to the Covid pandemic the meeting was again held outdoors in the picnic pavilion.  It was a beautiful fall day and we lit a fire in the fireplace to ward off the chill breeze. 

The main topic for discussion was the proposed changes to the chapter by-laws.  We had decided that it was necessary to amend the by-laws to allow for electronic meetings during times when we cannot meet in person, such as during the Covid pandemic.  Proposed changes were presented, using materials and language provided by NSDAR and MSDAR.  A spirited discussion ensued. 

Outdoor meeting in picnic pavilion

October 2020 Meeting - Two New Members

Due to the Covid pandemic the meeting was held outdoors in the picnic pavilion.

Eva Maria Carney from the Kwek Society spoke at the October meeting.  The Kwek Society provides moon time bags, educational materials, pads, tampons, liners, and underwear to Native American students and communities without ready access to these expensive menstrual supplies.  Their website is at


We also swore in two new members.

Inducting 2 new members outdoors in pavilion.

March 2020 Meeting - CANCELLED DUE TO COVID!

... It would be 6 months before we saw our DAR family again.

 National Defense Luncheon
November 10, 2018

Erasmus Perry members attended the National Defense Luncheon at Chartwell Golf & Country Club in Severna Park, Maryland. Members are pictured here with the guest speaker Major General (MG) Jim Adkins, (USA Retired) and President, Maryland Society Sons of the American Revolution.  MG. Adkins presented the story of the Maryland 400.  

Members in a group at the National Defense Luncheon.

October "Music & Celebration" Meeting Minutes
October 13, 2018

At our October meeting, chapter members enjoyed a celebration of Song! A member lead us in the singing of the National Anthem and other patriotic tunes.  As the anniversary date just occurred, members also recognized the DAR Founders Day, which is celebrated on October 11th each year as a day to celebrate the original founding of DAR.

The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution was founded on October 11, 1890. The NSDAR founding members were Mary Desha, Eugenia Washington, Ellen Hardin Walworth and Mary Smith Lockwood.

New Member Swearing-in Ceremony
September 8, 2018

Our Erasmus Perry Chapter continues to grow as two new members were officially sworn in at our September meeting!

New Member swearing in


New members being sworn in by our chaplain 


New Member swearing in
Group of ladies around table at the Potluck Luncheon

Potluck Luncheon
June 9, 2018

Our June Chapter meeting was hosted in a lovely home in the Leisure World Community of Silver Spring.  Following the luncheon, the chapter Regent presented gifts of appreciation to the hostess & recognized members for outstanding service to the chapter with small DAR gifts.  The regent announced that a flag will be flown over the United States Capitol to honor chapter Chair of the Flag of the United States of America committee on her July birthday.  The regent received a gift of appreciation from the chapter for her two years of service as Chapter Regent.  All members enjoyed a delightful afternoon of good food & fellowship!

New members being sworn in

 New Member Swearing in Ceremony, and
Installation of 2018-2019 Chapter Officers
June 9, 2018

Our June Chapter Meeting featured another new member swearing in ceremony and the installation of new chapter officers for the coming term!  

Group of new members being sworn in
New members being sworn in

New Member Swearing in Ceremony
May 12, 2018

Our May Chapter Meeting opened with another new member swearing in ceremony!  

May 2018 Chapter Meeting
Park Ranger Presentation on Clara Barton House

The Erasmus Perry Chapter was honored to have Ranger Kevin Patti from the National Park Service speak about the remarkable life of Clara Barton.  Among her notable achievements were founding the American Red Cross and the National First Aid Association of America.  Clara Barton’s house in Glen Echo, Maryland is a frequently visited National Historic Site.  Currently undergoing renovation the house will reopen to the public after completion.

A gift of appreciation from the chapter was given to Ranger Patti at the meeting and a donation to the National Park Service to benefit Clara Barton House was later made.  Chapter Regent Mary Ellen Draper sent a note to the National Park Service expressing gratitude for Ranger Patti’s informative talk to the chapter and complimenting his exceptional speaking skills.

Ranger Kevin Patti’s talk on Clara Barton, who was a member of DAR, was enjoyed by twelve members, five prospective members and one guest.      

Park Ranger Kevin Patti speaking at podium
Behnke Nursery in beltsville logo

April 2018 Chapter Meeting Presentation
April 14, 2018

On Saturday, April 14 Erasmus Perry members gathered at 12:00 noon at Behnke Nursery in Beltsville, MD. The warm and sunny day was ideal for the chapter Spring outing arranged by the chair of the Conservation Committee.

Attendees brought bagged lunches and the chapter Regent provided iced tea and a platter of cookies.  Tables were set in a colorful garden motif.  Our presentor, Christopher Lewis, is a volunteer from the Montgomery County Beekeepers Association.   His demonstration included a power point presentation to educate us about the life of bees and their impact on society.  He stressed the need to plant the flowers and trees that bees need in order to gather the nectar for the honey.  The Black Locust Tree is especially important.  Everyone was given a list of native wildflowers that attract pollinators. This was a beautiful day to celebrate both Earth Day and our conservation project of encouraging bee pollination.Following his presentation, he led the group on a brief tour that included seeing the bee hotel, rain garden and pollinator gardens.

The field-trip was well-attended and greatly enjoyed by chapter members, several HODARS and one guest.

113th State Conference of the Maryland State Society, DAR
March 22-23, 2018

Turf Valley Hotel & Conference Center, Ellicott City, Maryland

Our Regent & Vice Regent attended the Maryland State Conference as chapter delegates.  Our Registrar was recognized for doing 90% of MSSDAR genealogical work over the past year.  Our First Vice Regent received a certificate and ribbon in recognition of her completion of the New Members Course.

Group of ladies at the state conference
Award for creating a new website.

Certificate of Award for new Chapter website.

 Erasmus Perry Chapter received the following Certificates:

Second place in the state Project Patriot coupon test

Creating and Gaining National approval for a new public website

Promoting and Supporting Literacy in our community

100% Participation in the President General’s Project “Moving Forward in Service to America”

Second place for Most Coupons Clipped—4.93 Pounds

Outstanding Support for Educators and Students as well as Revitalization Efforts.

 March 2018 Chapter Meeting Presentation
March 10, 2018

Rob Scheer of Comfort Cases and his son Greyson joined us for our St. Patrick's Day Irish lunch and celebration.   Some members provided a delicious meal while another baked homemade Irish Soda Bread prepared from a family recipe. Members sang "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling". Our substitute Chaplain read two lovely Irish Blessings.   Our Webmaster, announced the NSDAR approval of the Erasmus Perry Chapter website. State Regent thanked our Webmaster for her rapid development of the website and presented her with a bouquet of green and white flowers.   Guest speaker Rob Scheer gave an enlightening talk on Comfort Cases. Members were asked to bring donations to the May meeting and volunteers will help assemble Comfort Cases at the Gaithersburg headquarters. 

DAR Member playing the piano.
Food buffet on table.
Rob Scheer Speaking
Member of the Brunswick Volunteer Rescue and Ambulance Company with a member.

February Chapter Meeting Presentation
February 10, 2018

Luis Alcazar, a member of the Brunswick Volunteer Rescue and Ambulance Company was our February meeting speaker.  Luis gave a most informative presentation on when/how to seek emergency medical assistance.  He spoke specifically about signs recognizing strokes, when to call for help from either 911 or the local Fire Department, as well as demonstrated the proper hand position for CPR and lifesaving procedures.  Luis' excellent presentation was appreciated by all in attendance.  

January Chapter Meeting
January 13, 2018

New Member Swearing-in Ceremony

Swearing in new member.

2017 Meetings and Events